The evaluation planning tool
An interactive web-based tool that allows users to build, manipulate, copy, and share impact models online, and to embed their impact models with interactive information such as indicators, data sources, and other data. Users can then download their impact models and use them for program planning, evaluation, or proposal development. Learn more by heading to
Learn to use the evaluation planning tool:
Health visualizers
The “visualizer tools”, including a Nutrition Visualizer, Maternal Health Visualizer, and Adolescent Health Visualizer provide allow users to explore the “canonical” impact models in the visualizers, subset the boxes and arrows that represent their proposed program, and then take the boxes and arrows (and accompanying indicators, data sources, and references) download relevant impact models. Built on a solid evidence base and developed through an iterative process and reviewed by topical experts, these visualizers can be used to understand the link between different activities and inputs leading to impact. Advanced draft models of the visualizers are available at the links below!
The maternal health visualizer is still in the development phase and will be available soon!